BUT BACK IN MY DAY WE DID NOT HAVE THAT OPTION I WAS LUCKY IN THAT I HAD GIRLS WHO SAW I LIKED BEING FEM AND HELPED ME ALONG THE WAY I KEPT ON TAKING ...THE FEMALE HOMONES AND I WAS GETTING MORE FEM AS THE WEEKS WENT BY MY PARENTS WERE STARTING TO WORRY SO THEY TOOK ME TO THE DOCTOR THE LOOKS I GOT IN THE WAITING ROOM WERE ANGER I WENT INTO THE EXAM ROOM THE DOCTORS NURSE TOLD ME TO STRIP DOWN AND PUT ONE A GOWN IT WAS THEN SHE SAW I WAS WEARING A BRA AND PANTIES SHE WAS PUZZLED AND ASKED ME BOY. I slowly looked up, and couldn’t help but notice that Dylan looked like he tried to dress better than usual as well. Anxiety aside, I couldn’t help but take in as much of his beautiful body as I could before my eyes reluctantly reached his. It was weird though, I could swear his face looked as scared as I felt.Neither of us said a word for probably too long, we just stood in silence, studying each other for something. He finally broke the tension with a small smile.“How ya doing man?” He spoke. Ja sam desnom rukom uhvatio dupe do sebe i mazio ga, trljajući prstima između guzova. Dečko ispred mene se zadvoljno klatio u ritmu, ljubeći se sa vrh djevojkom kovrdžave, kestenjaste kose.-"Hajdemo u WC, želim da ti popušim!", šapnu mi piskutav glas, bila je to kovrdžava djevojka, koja mi gricnu vrat, pa me pogleda dražesnim vragoslastim smiješkom, i zaputi se ka WC-u. Krenuo sam za njom, i kao nožem prosijecao sebi put. Izašli smo požarnim putem iza kluba. Kad smo zatvorili vrata, zagrli. After three weeks of therapy she only had a 4" cock left.All in all she was a good looking girl, only one thing bothered me. Melissa's hair was to short so she had to wear a wig all the time. But then I got an idea.Melissa no longer was afraid to go out onto the streets as a woman so one day we both left the apartment to go shopping. After shopping lots of new outfits and shoes for both of us, we went to a hairdresser and Melissa got her first female haircut. It was a modern female short.
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