Other guests included the ambassador to the United Nations from an important European nation, two movie directors, several members, both male and fema...le, of families which have had money long enough to qualify as ‘old’ by New York standards, this year’s sensation at the Metropolitan Opera (female), and a recently elected member of the NBA Hall of Fame. All the others were equally accomplished in their own fields, but did not share public fame. Obviously I cannot identify any of them more. .Uitgeput zakt hij over mij heen als hij rustiger wordt, ik streel hem over zijn bezwete rug, als hij zegt : “Ma, nog nooit ben ik zo lekker klaargekomen, wat ben jij een geil beest” zijn hoofd neem ik tussen mijn handen, kus hem en zeg : “ik hoop dat je mij nog heel vaak wil neuken” en kus hem.Aan Leendert vraag ik of hij even een handdoek wil pakken, hij heeft zoveel zaad in mijn kutje gespoten dat het eruit loopt, als ik mij wat schoongeveegd heb duw ik hem op zijn rug en neem zijn wat. I even closed the door while I was in there, and turned on the exhaust fan and turned off the light after I was through.Naturally, Brenda was amazed by all of this. I think she attributed all my unusual skills to my having been a circus dog or some such. She knew I was smart, but I figured that, like almost all humans, she was working on the assumption that someone, somewhere, had given me careful training.Nevertheless, I found that, after awhile, Brenda would talk to me in a manner that wasn't. Dan whispers at me to be nice, I stomp on his foot then start speaking to him in Spanish. The leader calms down and speaks back we trade pleasantries then move on to why they are here. I have to look at Dan for this one. ‘He says they are coming to order two bows, have permission.’ ‘Well ask if he has it in writing, I have the orders from the cavalry they say to never listen to have permission unless they have a document.’ I have to groan at this. I turn back to the leader and relay that.
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