It was a magnificently delivered blow that audibly broke a couple of ribs. Bernard grunted in pain and Roberta, upright in a flash, stared at him for ...a split second with those cold blue eyes. There was death in that stare!In retrospect, Paula could see that it was downhill all the way for Bernard after that. He fought like a tiger, using every dirty trick in the book, kicking and kneeing Roberta's crotch, stomach and breasts many times in a vain effort to slow her down. Roberta was, as ever,. "But it is not enough that Mistress Brenda punished you for insulting her. I am going to punish you for disobeying me." She came with a shudder as she thought of what she had planned and what my tongue was then doing to her clit."We have the rest of the afternoon to punish you, slave. Run upstairs and get the scarves and ropes." "Yes, Mistress" I said as I raced up the stairs, balls bouncing and cock reviving. It was amazing. I'd have thought by now I'd be worn out, but I felt like I could go. Of course accidents were bound to happen, but as the revved-up libidos carried over to the home front, most husbands and boyfriends were easily persuaded the unexpected babies were theirs. The only difficult case was Dorothy Pickle, the Chief Administrator, who had been celibate until she started letting Arturo from Maintenance oil her gears. But when she found out he’d be willing to stay home and take care of as many babies as she would give him, she married him the next weekend. The. "Naughty, naughty" she said as she smiled and stood up. Hooking her thumbs through the waistband as she steped up to him "You want me to take these off, huh?" she teased as she started easing them down, revealing smooth shaved skin before she covers it up and reveals another part, giggling every time. "Teasing you is so fun" she giggled as she turned around, before sliding her panties off her hips and turning back around. As she finished turning she stepped forward, pressing herself tight.
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