I thought to myself how many people has he asked before me? But I broke concentration again when he touched my shoulder again and winked. I smiled and... pointed to my wrist in a motion to say sure what time. He smiled and said, tomorrow after my shift outside in the carpark. 2pm. I smiled and said see you then, Saint Nick. We parted ways and I continued on with shopping thinking how thrilled I was to be getting some action before Christmas. Anyway the next day I was getting ready to meet Santa. Terwijl ze zoekt, wordt er opeens een bruine enveloppe onder de deur van het toilethokje doorgeschoven. Kort daarna slaat de deur van de damestoiletten dicht en is de eigenaar van de enveloppe verdwenen.Roos pakt de enveloppe op en gaat zitten op het toilet, terwijl ze de enveloppe opent.“VERDERE AANWIJZINGEN: Ha die Roos, ik had wellicht gelijk dus? Stout, ondeugend en in voor een avontuurtje? Als je echt zo ondeugend en stout bent als ik denk dat je bent, dan volg je onderstaande aanwijzingen. Victor was standing in front of me; his lips curved in a smile as I looked at him with tear filled eyes and managed a very weak half smile. He moved away from me and I let my head hang in exhaustion, my head jerked up when the hiss, crack of the tails being used again filled the room followed by screaming. Stunned I watched Jane receive the same treatment Helen and I had, I knew that Victor had asked her if she wished to be whipped in the same way he had asked me and I also knew that he would. Infact, if he concentrated, the air seemed to be filled with a mist oflight that fogged his vision just a tiny bit.Then he raised her hand and looked deeply into it, to see if she glowedas well.All he saw was darkness.His vision abruptly returned to the colors of the true world, but he wasstill staring into her hand. The darkness that he saw inside herself wasidentical to the magic he used in his admissions test. Did that vision ofhis allow him to see the colors of magic?"Hey, you alright in.
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