Thumbelina shouted out; not in pleasure or even in surprise but in pain. Everyone knows frog’s tongues are sticky. Well poor Thumbelina was being to...rturously waxed as she was being licked. When Cur-Mutt’s tongue whipped back her small covering of hair (like dandelion fluff) was gone. She yelped as the roots were pulled out and she found herself bald in that most sensitive place. Cur-Mutt chuckled not only did he was to rape her; he also wanted her to look as young as possible when he did. He. “I hear you’re a very good dancer,” he said suddenly. “Oh I don’t know,” I said modestly. He got up and went to the stereo, and changed the record for a very slow waltz. Now turning to me smiled holding out his hand and said, “Come.” I got up and he held me close, placing his cheek against mine. I smelled his after shave, we just swooned to the music. It was an excuse to hold each other close his hand at my waist and moving over my hip. He pressed a leg between mine, his mouth nibbling at. It was a sort of small natural amphitheatre in the cliff on the side of the knoll. It looked like a small and old abandoned quarry to be honest and it may well have been the source of the material originally used to build the old villa at some time in the past. To her it had another significance however. When not involving herself in the day to day business of keeping us both alive or spending her time abusing me for her pleasure she spent a lot of time working in that little quarry. Most of. I went along without asking the destination. Ooh, for this special occasion, will it be _Denny's_ or will it be _Shoney's_?The funny thing was that while we were two sisters in their room goofing around getting dressed, we did indeed become that. And suddenly I had an understanding of my sister like never before. While our parents remained the monsters-held-in-common, a base unifying force, I came to understand my siblings in a different light. The only thing that separated me from them was a.
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