Schlaftrunken versuchteich mich zu orientieren und erinnerte mich an das Haus Blaustein. Esmusste wohl eines seiner Zimmer sein. Jedenfalls passte es das Bildeines eleganten Herrenhauses, wie im ?brigen die restliche Einrichtung.An der Wand stand eine Kommode und vor dem mit gro?en Vorh?ngengeschm?ckten Fenster ein kleiner Tisch mit zwei St?hlen. ?ber allemthronte in einer Ecke eine meterhohe Vase mit leuchtend roten Rosen.Ich war mir nicht sicher, ob ich noch tr?umte oder schon wachte.. This is the pure true story just happened on Sunday 22th June, in Bhimavaram I took general ticket to Secunderabad (Narsapur Express) as train is busy I don’t got Reservation in train, the general compartment is full and people are standing at entrance so I am not able get in the train,it was around 8:00pm the train is moving so I ran and stepped in the reserved bhogi, at next station I came down again I tried and with great difficulty I’ve entered inside, there I am standing on one side one. With my feet moved onto your seat, and my hands around your neck I rode you hard and forced my wet pussy onto you, you pulled me down heavy, with your hands around my hips."I'm cummin baby, oh yes, here it comes".I felt a hot jet of cum shoot deep inside me as your cock twitched and jerked, warm cum was spilling out onto your balls, and the seat."Oh god, it isn't stopping, keep going baby, I want to cum again already. You held onto my shoulders and gripped them so tight, you let out a huge. He was looking at me with a smile on his face. I was stunned for a couple of seconds just looking at that massive dick, trying to think.{ Wow, that is what I call a Big Black Cock }- Ahhh... I have to go.I wanted to turned around and start walking but as soon I could feel him grabbing me from behind. His dick was massive and I could feel it between my legs, pushing my skirt up and open up my ass cheeks, it felt like nothing I have experienced before.He was tall as a mountain, overpowering me.
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