Her soles were wearing thin from the relationship dance with Antoine. Now, standing on West 43rd Street, procrastinating about their lunch destination..., she glanced up to curse the sky. She refused to believe that God could have been responsible for impregnating the latest affliction. As she cast her eyes slowly downward, hands on hips, she fixed her gaze on the Intermission Diner’s sign. Flashing in gaudy bile-green neon lights — despite it being daytime — save nine of the 125 bulbs, the sign. “Meredith… I don’t know how to run the register… and… if someone has questions I don’t know…”“Paula,” Meredith pauses with a look of distaste, as if she is consoling an ignorant child, “You won’t need to run the register and you won’t be here long. Nick is coming over in a bit. I called him and asked him to run the store as soon as he can leave work.”“Ok…well…what are you guys gonna do?” I hear the pathetic childlike whimper in my own voice. I see Meredith’s smile flatten slightly, her lips. The SECOND sees his family doctor after waiting 3 weeks for an appointment, then waits 8 weeks to see a specialist, then gets an x-ray, which isn't reviewed for another week and finally has his surgery scheduled for 6 months from then.Why the different treatment for the two patients?The FIRST is a Golden Retriever.The SECOND is a Senior Citizen.Next time take me to a vet!Murphy from Dublin, wanted to expand the line of furniture in his storeSo he decided to go to Paris to see what he could. I made my way to room 202 and swiped myself in, the room was spacious, more of a suite really, on a table there was a bottle of Malt Whiskey, my favourite tipple, 2 glasses and a hand written note informing me that I should help myself in moderation and to ensure that I was ready by 4.30pm, I decided to shower again and after towelling down put on the new boxers and liberally splashed the aftershave everywhere including the crack of my ass, helped myself to a large Malt and settled back onto.
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