A minute or two later she reemerged from the shroud of foliage with a four-ounce tube of industrial strength Super Glue in her grip.“Captain, please... stand next to the Sheriff,” the commander ordered with a wave of her rifle.“Good. Now give me your right hand, palm up,” she unscrewed the tube’s cap and applied a generous amount of the instant adhesive to the palm of the man’s shivering hand. Wrap your fingers around Mister Fitzwater’s penis and hold him as tight as you can.”The Sheriff grimaced. I shivered as Mom's fingers slid between my butt-cheeks. She caressed up and down my crack, brushing my sphincter. I whimpered at the delight of her touch. It made such a tingly delight surge through me as she stroked my asshole.I broke the kiss. “Oh, big brother, I need to thank you!”“For fucking you?” he asked, sounding amused, a smile playing on those strong lips.“For putting a baby in me!” Tears burned in the corners of my eyes. I dragged my hands down his chest, my lips kissing at his neck. They were both a hot mess from the tone of their arguing. I heard a car door slam and walked toward my front door. Jessie was pounding on the door with the side of her fist, I guessed that Steve was in his car. I quickly let her in.She was animated and mad that I left the party. Jessie began to berate me about the party, being wasted, her brother's being losers because they showed up to the party empty-handed and left, and that Steve was weak. I really wasn't trying to hear that shit. I told. Aides, assistants and lackey boys were not allowed in, much to their dismay. Several were visibly upset, but my rules; my way or no way.My description and general breakdown of the materials lasted thirty minutes; the questions lasted almost two hours. I was asked the same questions over a dozen different ways. I had finally learned that this was the Washington normal method of operation for all politicians.Bobbie knocked on the door with a note that the agent inside the door brought to me. “The.
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