They were blue, like the sea, and deeper than any ocean he could imagine. Wanting to remain the adult in the room, he confidently asked her, “You’ never had sex with anyone before, Kris? Are you sure you want this?”“Yes, Sir,” She admitted meekly as she chewed nervously on her bottom lip.She looked nervous, Frank thought to himself and wondered for a moment if he should continue. He was breaking no laws, he reasoned. She was eighteen years old and wasn’t drunk or otherwise being pressured -. The walls that weren’t windows were white and colored furniture provided splashes of joy. It was nighttime. She’d thought it had been morning. But time had no meaning anymore.There were a small group of men, all older and all seemed wealthy. Their ethnicities varied, but she did not try to place them.“Gentlemen, may I present to you my wonder. Today, her name is Katie. Isn’t that right Katie?”“Yes, Master.”He smiled and turned to her, “Dearest Katie, do you with to pleasure me orally?”She. Gabriella’s head reeled from the stench of his breath. It was fetid and his person reeked and her stomach threatened to empty the contents of the meal she had just forced down. It took all the will power she had to force it to stay down. He ground his lips on hers, and his free hand squeezed her breast painfully. All Gabriella could think of was freeing herself from his grip and she twisted in an attempt to get out of his forced embrace but it was futile. Instinctively she bit down hard on his. She knew that Cerys was a moveable feast - she turned up when she turned up. "Hectic morning?"Cerys nodded, an outraged expression on her face. "I actually had to do some work!" Good heavens! How unreasonable" Allison laughed. Cerys's disaffection with the idea of working for a living had been a constant joke between the two since school days. "It's no good, Cerrie, you'll have to find a way to retire. You'll never hang on for another 40 years."Cerys tossed her head indignantly, her long dark.
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