Tom wasn't overly surprised that Vanessa had a fit when she found out that she had to share Tom's attentions with other women. The fact that they were... oriental didn't make things any easier. Tom didn't waste any time explaining the facts to her.After getting a handful of hair and putting her on her knees Tom calmly explained, "Look bitch, you were the one that wanted superior breeding. You were warned that I give the orders in this house, and that I decide what is right and wrong. I really. ", I told him with a dirty grin on my face.He laughed and soaked my pubic area completely with a thick layer of shaving cream. I was shaved professionally. He didn't have much work on that, because I regularly keep up with trimming it myself. As soon as every last hair had disappeared, he cleaned that now smooth pole and continued to suck me off. All the while my cock had remained rock hard. After licking my dick nice and wet, he turned around and dropped his own pants on the floor. I asked. It’s your fault. ”“no honey, it’s your fault. You should pull your panties down all the way to your knees. ”“how should i know that?”“don’t worry. If you’re bothered by your wet panties, take them off and toss them inside this bag.”She handed roopa a small plastic bag. My blood boiled inside my veins when my sister reached under her skirt, raised her butt from the seat and pulled her panties down along her shapely legs. I grinned when i saw the small red hearts on her panties all drenched with. Any good son, she felt, needed to be well-skilled in licking his mother's cunt. "Look at my pussy, Henry." Margaret splayed her slim thighs wide apart, shamelessly displaying her wet, hairy fuck hole to her only child. Henry's cock throbbed even harder as he ogled his mother's pussy. Margaret dipped her finger into her furry cunt slit, darting it in and out. "I know you like Mommy's cunt enough to fuck it, honey," she purred. "Now I want to find out if you like licking it,.
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