She looked up at me with her big brown eyes. Her cleavage seemed to glisten even more with perspiration. “That’s it baby,” I moaned. “You’ve... almost earned your ticket to the floor.” At that she took my cock back into her mouth and began to suck it with purpose. Her hand stroked my cock in unison with her head movements and I could feel my explosion building deep within my balls. Her grip got a little tighter and her head movement got faster as she could sense the end was near. She continued. She poured me some very pale whisky, put some bread and honey butter before me and then called, "Alma, get down here; you too Harriet; be quick."In jig time, two luscious young women appeared, reasonably disheveled with rags tied about their heads and aprons about their waists. My cock immediately came alive. They curtsied to me, both grinning like the proverbial cat, and said they were glad to meet me while I was still climbing to my feet and bobbing my head. Both gave me a firm, strong. Úgy éreztem, hogy szétrepedek, hiszen a saját ujjamon kívül, még soha nem volt bennem más. Miközben gyengéden döfködött, nyelve szaporán járt a csiklómon. Az orgazmusom gigantikus volt, szinte felrobbantam, ahogy a bizsergés egyre erősebb és erősebb lett, majd szétterjedt egészen a kis lábujjam végéig, remegtem, és hangosan nyögdécseltem. Amikor Ben abbahagyta, és felkúszott hozzám, becéző ajkai a számra tapadtak, s ezzel megéreztem a nedvem sós és édeskés, fanyar ízét.- Most te – suttogta a. As her tangle of curls comes into view, he is greeted by the scent of her wet pussy. She parts her thighs as if to beg for contact. He rests the palm of his hand on her puffy mound, kneading it, slipping a single finger between her lips, feeling the slick warmth of her. She cries out raising her ass into the air, trying to take more of him inside of her. ‘Hush slut, this is done on my timetable tonight. You will cum, over and over again, but for my pleasure and at my will. Understood?’ ‘Yes,.
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