It was the part of a year where people are starting to get new year’s fever, everyone wants to meet someone and have a good time, each day there is somewhere and the atmosphere is getting lighter and people happier.It was Saturday close to noon. I was getting my head strait, with “morning” run and just received the message from my lady: “how are u honey, I didn’t want to wake u up, u were sleeping like a baby, rough night a … Asja (her best girlfriend) has birthday so we have ladies day –. ” “Norrra,” he said, looking up at me with his green eyes, gentle but serious. “I know you don’t know what you want.” It was true. In fact, he was the first one I had confessed this to regarding my future. “And I know you don’t know who you are yet.” That he had pointed out to me himself, and was also true. He put his hand back on my calf, and squeezed reassuringly. “I want to open you up,” he said. “But I won’t push you.” I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. That was exactly. “The books are right there on the right.” He looked her straight in the eye. “Show me where.” Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed pink. She turned away and swept her hair back with one shaky hand but it fell forwards again. “I really don’t think you need—” Reese reached out and tucked her hair back for her. “Humour me?” She stood paralysed for a moment then huffed at him and pushed past into the dim space between the two rows of bookcases. Reese cast a quick look round the library. Daisy just sent him a questioning look, encouraging him to go on. Restless, Jake stood up and began to pace. ‘You know, better than anyone, how evil my father was and could be,’ Jake spat the words out like they were acid. ‘You sawthe bruises, the scars. Hell, there were times you couldn’t even touch me because it hurt too bad.’ The look Jake gave Daisy made her shiver, his eyes were devoid of emotion when he talked about his past. ‘Don’t look at me like that, Daisy. I don’t want your pity.’ He.
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