V.O.: We never used a condom, and I never even thought to ask. Consequences just didn’t seem to matter anymore. All I could think about was this ama...zing man and his all-conquering cock. Everything else was secondary. Truth is, Karen, I was falling in love with him. Anyway, things took a turn at the office Christmas party. I wasn’t much worried about bringing Dennis along, figuring Dave would keep our fuck-buddy status on the down-low.A bar decorated for the holidays. Dave drapes an arm around. My cock twitched as I felt Vicky’s tongue drag along my flesh and saw that my sister was getting off on it. “Fucking slut… she can’t get enough of your cock… guess no more wanking for you when you have a slut here that will do it all for you” My sister laughed which only made Vicky turn her head slightly to look at her.“I fucking will not… well maybe…” Vicky joined my sister in the laugh.I was just about to make my next move when we heard Moms voice from down below. Cathy…Vicky…lunch and tell. "Is the movie named Omen? My amnesia makes it so that I have no specific memories of movies I watched previous in life," Jennifer said and started a Google search after Omen. She leaned back in the chair as she read the results."The first Omen movie came out in 1978, the year before Damien Primrose was born. I guess the parents were not into horror movies if they picked that name," Jennifer observed."You said 1979..." Firefly mumbled as she read the movie synopsis. "...was Lauren Primrose. Every Friday, Annie would have one of her girl friends come over for sleep over. They would stay in her room pretty much and play music and do whatever girls normally did back then. I was pretty clueless as to what they did, and didn't want to know either. I preferred the quiet and solitude of my own room. About the only thing I didn't like was the fact that Annie made so damn much noise. Playing music and laughing, it kept me up and I couldn't go to sleep when I was tired.I had told mom about.
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