Norbert setzte sich zu uns, hob das Glas und begann feierlichmit dem Trinkspruch: "Auf unser aller, neues Leben! Auf Petra,du hast schon immer gewusst..., dass wir beide als Partner nichtzusammenpassen, aber die besten Freunde sein koennen. Auf Elana,meine geliebte, zukuenftige Frau. Und auf mich selbst, denn abheute kann ich behaupten, dass ich gluecklich bin." Mit gegenseitigen Blick in unsere Augen und zustimmenden Nicken,stiessen wir darauf an. - Nach dem ersten Glas Rotwein und schon bei der. Cindy tried pushing Dad into enrolling Jordan in a lot of beauty contests, especially since they were the same age, but after it started ruining her friendship with Brandy, all that competition, Jordan refused to participate. I didn't really blame her. Of course, now, Brandy was a knock-out. Maybe it was the high from the dream, maybe it was the lingering warmth from my sister's touch, but when I ran into Brandy while walking Maxie, I felt the urge to take her, to take her like I'd taken Daphne. "I'd be surprised if they didn't," Brock answered, smiling at the reporter. "I think it will depend on who wins tonight. Well, maybe not. If the Nationals have a chance to take a 3-1 lead, I think they have to look at it. Likewise, if they face the prospect of a 3-1 deficit, they have to consider it."Brock chuckled."Wow, I think I finally understand why Jim LaCross gets paid so much," he said. "I thought it was just because he had to put up with guys like me."Brock noticed the political. "I will just have to see what I can do tocheer you up when I take you home." She punctuated this sentence bygiving the top of his thigh a playful squeeze.Were there other awards given that night? David couldn't tell you; hisbrain was stuck in an image that it couldn't release - a beautiful,sexy model was flirting with him, and promising... things. She wasgorgeous beyond anyone he'd ever been with, and the idea of a one-nightstand with her was occupying all his attention. He really had no.
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