Last time we were at the Faire, there was a really strong wind and it blew some of the canvas signs which hang over the tent up onto the top. You coul...d still sort of see them up there. On the back side of the signs it said, “Wassermesse” in a really strange, old looking font. I looked up Wassermesse on the web. It means “Water Faire” in German. I also looked up Dunklermeister. It means “Dark Master” or “Dark Lord.” I was always just a little afraid of Herr Dunkler, now I’m even more so.The. Und fick dich auch in den Arsch damit.Nach einer Weile nehme ich dir den Dildo ab und lecke ihn sauber - das ist so lecker, deinen Fotzensaft zu schlecken.Los Jenny, du geile Hure, halte deine Fickfotze auf, damit ich deinen süßen Fotzensaft lutschen kann.Ich beuge mich vor und lecke dich aus und schlucke alles herunter. Dann schiebe ich meine Hand in dein offenesFotzenloch und ficke dich damit. Der Saft läuft nur so aus dir heraus. Ich ziehe meine Hand aus deinem Schwanzlochund lecke sie. What are you gonna do about her? She's really mad, John, she's not like the others. You know Ray Denham is just liable to take a shotgun to us?" Shut up," Blodgett rasped savagely, "That bitch isn't going to run and tell her old man she put out to both of us, she's not that crazy..." He snapped his fingers, "Got it!" He picked up the telephone and dialed swiftly, talking fast as his number rang, "What we have to do is discredit her, that way if she does tell, no one will believe her... Hello,. Jenn just smiledwickedly and muttered to himself "she done it." Let thy power gather in my hand." As I finished the channeling a ballof fire appeared in my hand which didn't burn me or my clothes but theheat seemed to really burn bandits they let go of me and ran away. Theywere so dumb to run next to each other in the same direction. I justlet go the ball and threw it in their direction. Then I dropped to myknees exhausted almost faint. I saw how explosion enveloped bandits andexpanded in 20.
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