? That was never like her... and she couldn't remember doing such a thing! Only the vivid and salacious visions of herself lying beneath the Director ...of Correction, completely naked and giving herself to him in wanton delight filled her brain! Dear God, it couldn't be true! She would never... ! Yet, there was a tremendous relaxation prevalent in her loins, a sensation of fulfillment she couldn't ever remember having experienced before... and the wild moment of ecstasy she had experienced raced. Thought I loved her with all of my heart and soul I am simply not the kind of man to put up with that. Even if she was sincere about quitting now, how the hell could I ever believe her or trust her again.She could have brought me home a disease at any time. Did I even know for sure that the boys were mine?I packed all or Cara's clothes and personal items that she'd need for a long stay, in her car. Before I was done, Ernie called me back. I explained the situation to him and told him what I. Warm daylight flooded the interior. A screened half-porch sheltered the side yard entrance as a work space for laundry and rinse tubs.The stairway footed at a seldom-used front door opening into a south yard and a pair of young elm trees pock-marked by vertical rows of Flicker borings. A narrow, rock-choked irrigation ditch flowed east beyond the yard, carrying snow field water from Wolf Creek to a barren pasture below the house.Upstairs, two plank-floored bedrooms were spanned at their backs. Damn him, he knew what he was doing to me! His hand began to caress my back again and he leaned forward to kiss me. He lightly brushed his lips against mine, nipped my bottom lip, then moved behind me, his hand sliding down to my lower back. I gulped nervously and looked at the mirror in front of me. It was the length of the wall and I could see all of him, and me, in it. He was kneeling between my knees, one hand on my lower back, the other wrapped around his cock. He was staring at my pussy.
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