" "Nice to meet you Tom come on in. Can I fix you a drink? I'm having a Margarita. If that's all right with you I have a pitcher already made up." A M...argarita will be fine," Tom said as he looked around the room they were in. A wall from an old sitting room had been knocked out opening up the kitchen. The back wall of the kitchen was all glass now giving it an open airy look and feeling. There was a fire burning in an upgraded fireplace creating a cozy room. A large oval braided rug covered the. The landscaping around the pool consisted of a lot of trees and shrubs that attracted birds and butterflies. I had the landscaping specifically designed to please Peaches, and her love of the pool area reassured me that she loved it.Eduardo picked up on my cue, because every time Peaches was by the pool, he had some sort of busy work to attend to. He usually wore only loose fitting swimming trunks, and no shirt. His body flexed his bronzed, tanned muscles as he worked at various tasks around. I then lay you down & kiss the back of ya legs in-between the back of your knees & suck on your toes listening to you moan & sequel…,just when u out of breath I lift you up give you a minuet to berate. Then I make you gag on my long, thick black dick so you know what kind of beating ya pussy is about to receive. Yeah dammit really I ain’t playing I been wanting this pussy for way to long. I open ya pussylips up n get a good look at ya clit & tease it, till u moan some more. When I 1st put. She felt his hands still at her back, rubbing up and down over the buttons which closed her dress in the back. A finger caught under the top button, and frayed buttonhole released button with no effort at all. The warm summer breeze caressed her back, and with each button opening it found wider access to her uncovered back. The last button released and the fabric billowed, exposing her back from neck to below her waist. His hands felt strangely good on her skin. His hands caressing her neck,.
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